TY - JOUR AU - Koch, Niklas AU - Pongratz, Sören AU - McCauley, Brian AU - Achtenhagen , Leona PY - 2020/10/04 Y2 - 2025/03/12 TI - ‘Smashing it’: How user entrepreneurs drive innovation in esports communities JF - International Journal of Esports JA - IJE VL - 1 IS - 1 SE - Original Research Article DO - UR - https://www.ijesports.org/article/23/html SP - AB - <p><strong>Aims</strong>: This study aims to understand user entrepreneurship within esports by analyzing the Nintendo esports title ‘Super Smash Bros.’</p><p><strong>Methods and results</strong>: Using a case-study approach we develop a model that integrates factors supporting user entrepreneurship in the esports industry. Through a content analysis approach, we combine online forum data with 12 interviews of key figures within the European Super Smash Bros scene to develop our findings. We contribute to the understanding of the interdependence between user- and environmental-specific factors of user entrepreneurship that enable innovation within communities. This study provides value in providing a platform for future studies to further develop our understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship within esports.</p><p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: Esports as a context is particularly suited for innovation through user entrepreneurship. User specific factors are the result of motivations that were not exclusively financial and driven by insights and knowledge obtained through the system in use<br />perspective. Environment specific factors are due to engaging, uncertain and dynamic conditions combined with the unique context of the competitive Smash scene. The entrepreneurial activities of users are central to the development of esports, from which the whole industry benefits. User entrepreneurs play a valuable role for the development of the industry, as they seek opportunities that may not be recognized by larger commercial actors.</p> ER -